People & places important to Ray & Twyla.
Published on 26-Mar-2012 by Ray Fried
We arrived in Istanbul in early 2012 to help an organization that provides literature to Turkish people.
Twyla updated a "cloud based" database providing information regarding books, literature, and people requesting literature. Meanwhile Ray built an online "teaching course" using material already written in the Turkish language, (5 Neden 1 Sonuç). He also folded this on-line course into offline USB stick media so that people with no Internet connection may take the course.
Istanbul is a city of over 13 Million people. It is partially located in Asia with another part in Europe. The two parts being separated by the Bosphorus, a waterway connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea more>>>.
Istanbul has served as the capital of the Roman Empire (330–395), the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395–1204 and 1261–1453), the Latin Empire (1204–1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453–1922). Previously it was named Constantinople or City of Constantine. The Latin Crusades took place here in the 1200s. Even though Istanbul is not the capitol of Turkey, it is the 3rd largest city in Europe.
Turkey has a rich heritage dating back to the time of the Hittities (1300 BC). Two thirds of the New Testament books were written to or from cities in Turkey. The 7 churches mentioned in the book of Revelation were in what is now called Turkey.
As a result of many civilizations living in this area over thousands of years, there are numerous archaeological remains. Often one group didn't have time or the ability to gather up all their things before leaving. Additionally, earth quakes often brought an abrupt end to activities.
After completing our projects we were able to visit some of the significant historical sites. The sarcophagus (funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved or cut from stone) shown on the top of this page is in honour of Alexander the Great. See Alexander Sarcophagus . This sarcophagus was made in the late 4th century B.C. and can be seen at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. The left most image on the above sarcophagus is that of Alexander The Great. Details and proportions are exceptional! Additional photos we took at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum can be found here.
Ephesus is located about 250 miles south of Istanbul on the west coast of Asia Minor. It was originally a Greek city but later became a major Roman city. In the first century it had a population of 250,000 people more>>>
People both in our office and on the streets are very polite and friendly. We are constantly amazed how local people can instantly tell we are foreigners - even before we open our mouths! Can you tell who is the foreigner in this photo?
Actually both ladies are foreigners. The one wearing the niqab is from Saudi Arabia. While we were seated on a park bench, this lady walked on front of us, levelled her Canon (camera) at us and started firing away! I jumped up and said if you are going to take our picture, I want to take yours! Somehow she knew instantly that we were foreigners and felt the urge to capture us on film.
Istanbul is in a strategic location and has been the focus of other empires that sought to dominate her. Two rather unique defense systems have been used. A 4 mile city wall, first envisioned by Constantine I, and also a huge metal chain drawn across an important water way on one side of the ancient more>>>.
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